of a colour intermediate between green and violet, as of the sky or sea on a sunny day.
having or showing foresight; providing carefully for the future.
characterized by or proceeding from foresight: provident care.
mindful in making provision of.
For over 15 years, we have helped organisations better understand their people
Our insight and guidance has enabled leaders to understand and develop themselves, the culture of their organisations, and to implement change.
Our approach is straightforward. Its why our clients enjoy working with us.
They appreciate our honesty, trust us, and we deliver improvements in their businesses.
Robert Browton
Founder, Managing Director UK
Rob works with clients and partners to help them understand their people and improve their culture. With 20 years’ experience in employee research and organisation development, he has lead a range of people and culture-related projects. Rob offers a great balance of science and practicality – helping businesses get great quality feedback from their people that can actually be harnessed for improvements.
Director, Ball-Retrieval and Jumping Services
Tobi keeps the team active and is very keen on employee feedback - responding particularly well to ‘good boy’, ‘good dog’, ‘tidy work’, ‘who’s a cheeky boy’, and ‘would you like a treat?’. His trick repertoire involves sit, stand, drop, wait, crawl-along, roll-over, get shot by an imaginary gun, jump over this hedge, high-five, sitting pretty, and shake hands. However, his real talent is making everyone feel awesome to be alive.

“Trust is fundamental to how people work together. When leaders take the time to genuinely understand their people’s experiences at work, they can get to grips with culture and create sustainable performance in their organisation”
We have a long history of partnering with expert consultancies to provide value-added services to their clients.
Any of our valued partners would be happy to speak with prospective partners about their experience with us, including how we work and the impact our services have had on their businesses. If you would like to speak with an of our partners, please get in touch.